The Charles III Health Crisis is Real. Will William and Harry Step Up?
I predicted in my blog of 1/16/23, Prince Harry: $100 Million Blackmail Scheme:
“Your father is very vulnerable with predictive Mercury conjunct predictive Mars. That’s his reputation and it can be torn to shreds as a Mars aspect tends to do. I’ve been there. It destroys. You’ve opened the door. Let the Universe take it from here. This aspect is so demoralizing, Charles could abdicate the throne to live out his life without the glare of the spotlight.”
I wasn’t exactly correct, as we all know now, Charles III has cancer. As people get older, illness must be taken into consideration. Your reputation can be “ruined” by anything that doesn’t allow you to continue as you had before. The way you conduct your life is your reputation.
I’m a fan of the royal family — keeping in mind the colonization and all that — which would be shocking, I’m sure. I’m talking about the family itself and how they handle themselves. During the Diana thing, I wasn’t so sure as she seemed so unhappy. But if I’m honest, I also knew she was a bit of a drama queen and used tactics that were a bit underhanded. But also I didn’t know that she took the job in full knowledge of Charles’ relationship with Camilla. She wasn’t blindsided.
Charles is a Scorpio Sun/Mercury. He is a feeling water sign but prefers to keep his feelings to himself — even so far as to say he’s secretive. Therefore, I’m impressed he’s been so open about his cancer diagnosis. He also has four planets in the 4th House of Cancer including his Venus/Neptune in Libra. He loves his family. Because Venus is conjuncted by Neptune, he also has a Pisces Venus — where it is exalted. He can love. He knows how. His Moon is in exalted Taurus means he can keep his emotions under control. It’s in the 10th House which is ideal for a King — his emotions are tied to his career, his job and the people he rules. With his Mars in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter which is Sagittarius he also likes foreign travel — other countries including their customs and food. His first focal planet is Pluto — right and wrong. He has a very strong sense of it and knows it when he sees it. Also Saturn which gives him ambition. And just the cherry on top, he has Leo rising. The spotlight is comfortable for him and he genuinely likes people. Really. Could you pick a better astrology chart for a king?
Currently he has his predictive Mars conjunct predictive Mercury and predictive Jupiter square his Venus exact. The last one could be his ascent to the kingdom which involved the loss of his mother and the hoopla that entailed. I would say he didn’t enjoy it based on the last aspect.
What is most important is his health. And that will be just fine, I hope. The aspect that helped cause it predictive Mercury conjunct Mars is over in July. However, the long term aspect predictive Jupiter square Venus will remain. What you need to know about this last aspect is that, although it’s a square, these are both benefic planets. So the question is, will his cancer be completely eliminated. It needs to be because in October 2026, he will get another negative aspect, predictive Mars conjunct his natal Sun. You might recall that this is my least favorite aspect. Any square from Mars is cause for concern for a man his age. Getting his health back now is critical. He needs a break from the stress. Meghan and Harry. By the end of 2026, Charles will be 78 years old.
Queen Elizabeth stayed too long. She didn’t give her son a chance to be king while he was young enough to enjoy it. It seems selfish on the part of a woman so greatly admired for her good judgement.
So where are William and Harry in all this? Harry will be in Jupiter at the end of this year in November. And William will be in Jupiter February of next year. Could they rock the planet in 2025? Like you wouldn’t believe. Together they could take a united position that supports this fragile world — removing the attention from their father and giving him time to heal. It would be a stunning and memorable achievement — one that would make any father proud — the three royal men coming together, overcoming family differences, to put the people first.
It could happen. It should happen. I’m not dreaming.
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