Harry Gets Another Chance. It Won't Be Long Until He Runs Out of Chances
Harry, we really tried to love you. And I suspect, we will try again, if you give us anything at all to hang on to. You have another opportunity being offered. Jupiter is back. And if Jupiter can’t help? Nothing can.
Capricorn rising is a tough rising sign. Harry wasn’t happy as a child. It’s just great PR that we were spoon fed, the whole Saint Diana thing, but she was too much in her own pain to be a good mom. And with a handsome brother who logically thought, even pre-kingdom, the world spun around him, Harry was left being the “red-headed step child.” He wasn’t kidding when he said William balding turned his world around. Suddenly, Harry was now the hunk — and he, like so many narcissists, couldn’t handle sudden power.
Can Harry handle anything? His chart? Unremarkable. Two planets in Virgo, Sun/Mercury. Venus in its rulership, Libra. Moon exalted in Taurus. No focal planets. Not a lot of squares although the Sun squares Mars/Neptune and Uranus.
When Mars squares your Sun, the essence of you, your energy has trouble following a straight line. What you want to do and what you end up doing aren’t always the same thing. It is easy to distract you. And having a wife with very selfish needs and highly manipulating habits... the temptation is just to let her lead. He can’t follow thru with his own desires so he just follows…
Uranus square your Sun is the rebel in Harry. He really doesn’t like to follow rules. He really wants to make his own. This aspect is impulsive. Immediate needs win over long term goals. You want a piece of cake. You eat it. And then you watch your blood sugar rise along with your waistline and you look for someone else to blame. You didn’t do anything wrong. You just took care of yourself. That works if you are a child. But growing up is all about learning to put off instant gratification. Harry is still a child.
And finally, Neptune square the Sun is a tendency to allow yourself to get pulled into unsustainable situations with no real knowledge how you got there or how to get out. Does Harry even have children? Where are they? One of them is old enough to be in school, but isn’t. You don’t hear about them being around Montecito doing errands with their mother. What do they do all day? Are the rumors that Meghan couldn’t have children true? Did they use a surrogate? Do these children exist? They don’t really seem like they do…
Without planets in the 2nd (money), the 6th (work) and the 10th (career), he has no career direction. Actually here we are. Most people in the news have charts that caused them to be in the news. Harry was born to it. He hasn’t done anything earth shattering at all. Even Invictus was given to him.
November 15th, Harry moved into beneficial Jupiter. Only two things can ruin this favorable time — toxic people or drugs. And don’t forget Meghan and Harry got together while they were both in Jupiter. That whole wedding thing? Totally a result of Jupiter. Anything that elaborate, that fabulous, it’s always Jupiter. The difference this time is that it is just Harry. His confidence is growing. He’s traveling and doing events on his own while Meghan continues to get criticized. The latest by Tina Brown, formerly the Editor-in-Chief of Vanity Fair and a royal biographer is, “Meghan is flawless at getting it wrong.”
Sometimes you can’t save a sinking ship. You either go down with it or you bail out. We just saw Ben Affleck grab his life preserver and skedaddle. And he couldn’t have helped by staying. I try never to ever suggest that a relationship be abandoned. Try everything. Especially if there are kids. But this one? It’s so toxic. And it’s entirely possible Harry is abusing drugs to cope although I doubt he really needs any encouragement.
This really is the next big decision for Harry. How he handles this might be the turning point for him. He’s out of Jupiters in the next six years. So he has a little time. But after that, there are no breaks coming his way. And Meghan, January 1, 2025 has a new cycle — predictive Venus square Mercury. Venus is your love life and Mercury is your reputation. This should create a crisis. Based on everything we know about this couple, we can’t expect them to navigate harsh aspects when one of them wants to spread his wings and fly away…
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