Harvey Weinstein is a pig of a man. We all pretty much agree with that. And, yes, anyone with a Capricorn Moon and Scorpio rising would be questionable. But Harvey is a Pisces and that is a high-minded sign. Usually the Capricorn Moon people do much better if they are Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Taurus Sun. In his case, no.
Also he has his Venus exalted in Pisces. Harvey may have a high view of women in general. He’s mostly suffering from an abuse of power not as much the desire to degrade women. It’s just that he’s generally disgusting. And while Pisces wouldn’t normally rationalize on this level, I will bet he didn’t see the harm. Sort of quid pro quo. Pisces are good at rationalizing.
But just to take it to the sexual level, Scorpio is rising in his chart. And, again, the rising sign brings out the worst of the sign’s qualities. So sex is on his menu. And in a way that only he would find appealing. His Mars is also in Scorpio. Normally that is not a terrible position for Scorpio, but Harvey doesn’t need it.
Finally there is a Grand Square: Neptune/Saturn square Pluto that square Jupiter/Mercury square his Moon. Six planets in a Grand Square are Charlie Sheen crazy. Lies, ambition, money, verbal abuse and way, way, way too much sensitivity.
And while I’m not advocating for women to be blamed, let me just say that sometimes one gets stuck working with/for these bastards. And there is a way to deal with men like him. The Harvey’s of the world can be manipulated. Very much so if you don’t buy into the power structure. I can see someone very smart getting what they want without much capitulation. Harvey can be flattered. And despite having zero himself, he is quite taken with classy women. If for no other reason, we know that by his choice of a wife. You have a much better chance of surviving his type if you keep it light and humorous. Remember his primary point is not degradation, it’s satisfaction.
So why is this monster of a human being getting his New York case appealed in his favor? In astrology, there is no difference between being in jail in New York or California as he will now be moved there due to another case he lost. So astrologically, nothing is changing. He chart shows two adjustments both inconjuncts.
Harvey’s chart is interesting to me because a normal person most likely would not have gone to jail. It is because the nature of what he did is so heinous and he is so heinous that it didn’t take much, predictive Sun square Venus, to push him over the cliff. That aspect will happen to most people in their lifetimes.
The future? He’s not going anywhere that doesn’t have bars. Not for a long time. It’s possible his reputation will get worse when in one year his predictive Mercury squares Venus — Venus, don’t forget, is women. Some really terrible karma is going on here. This isn’t his first lifetime offending.
If you want your own Xtrology reading, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. Or is you really want to get ahold of me, call/text 323 640-8660. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I post the Moon’s aspects. Every. Single. Day. Your comments and questions are welcome.