Who will win the 2012 election? The only candidates I'm considering, besides the one I predict will win, are Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, Tim Pawlenty and Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama. I have the answer.
You may want to know why? Xtrology exclusively has discovered the power of a positive Jupiter progression. Xtrology used it to predict, in 2007, who would be the Democratic nominee. It was Barack Obama that had the powerful Jupiter aspect. Hillary Clinton could not win that election. She should have run in 2004 against George Bush when she could have won. I e-mailed her to tell her this, but, apparently, she ignored my suggestion to listen to her husband, Ex-President Bill Clinton.
It could have been Mike Huckabee running against President Obama in 2008, except that his chart was not yet in this position -- the energy wasn't ready -- it wasn't time. But your astrology chart is constantly changing. Just coming in is Huckabee's progressed Sun (25 degrees 13 minutes) in Libra sextiling (60 degrees) his progressed Jupiter in Leo (26 degrees 10 minutes). This is perfect timing. It is starting just at the time candidates announce. It will last for exactly two years (the progressed Sun is the only planet that moves at a fixed rate). This makes him positioned to be the next President of the United States -- not to mention the ability to raise money. Jupiter rules money.
Mike Huckabee is a Virgo with Mercury conjunct his Sun. So he likes all the little details. Loves them, actually. His Moon is in Scorpio (it's detriment) where it operates rather badly. You probably wouldn't want to do this guy wrong. Scorpio is very vindictive. His Venus and Mars are in the sign of Leo (and they square his Moon). This is a push/pull aspect and also doesn't operate well regarding relationships. You want them. You don't. Some people with this aspect remain alone. He has no focal planets so he seems like a simple person and he is. And anyone beginning the presidency on a Jupiter aspect should be able to get something important done. Okay, Barack didn't. You have to do it IN THE BEGINNING. These things don't last forever.
None of the other people being considered have the required Jupiter progression including Barack Obama. People will think he loses because he didn't do what he promised. And that will have something to do with it. His progressed Mercury, during the campaign, will square Jupiter, the people. So we aren't happy with him. The communication will be difficult. He will talk, but won't be believed. However, it's not the reason he won't win. He won't win, because he doesn't have the right astrology chart. Without a Jupiter chart, you can't win something as big as this election. And, for that reason, I thought he might not even run. That would have been his smartest move. The only other person that could win is Newt Gingrich. But I have his time of birth, and his 12 year Jupiter progression is technically over.
Surprisingly, Sarah Palin, could be Vice-President. I, personally, hope not, but her chart says that she can. Yes, I hate to admit it, I really hate to admit it, but she has the Jupiter progression. Palin's progressed Mercury is conjunct progressed Jupiter in time to be nominated and at the time of the election. I don't know Huckabee's feelings about her. He might stand on principal or he might bow to pressure because she can bring in votes. And she can. But he doesn't need her. And as his first important act, I hope he uses his free will to choose someone else.
You heard it here first, Xtrology predicts Mike Huckabee will be the next President of The United States -- and he isn't even running, yet.
UPDATE: May 14th Huckabee announced he is not a candidate for president. If he doesn't run (which is a free will decision), he obviously can't be President of the United States. The next day on Meet the Press, it was discussed that this is the first time a front-runner has chosen not to run. I'm not going to make a new prediction based on the people that are running until I'm convinced Huckabee won't change his mind.