I am totally re-writing this post, because as Connie pointed out to me, I used the wrong birth date. Thanks to Connie and to Sunny for pointing out my mistakes. I think I'm suffering from blog burnout.
There is an interesting twist on Anthony Weiner's current problem using the correct chart. The message is very much the same, however. One important point is that he isn't coming off a Jupiter high. Being full of Jupiter's protection would be a good excuse for his behavior. But since that is no longer the case, let's see if I can determine the real explanation.
Weiner is a Virgo and with four planets, Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto there, very much so. Opposition all those planets is his Saturn in Pisces (for natal charts I don't use orbs. If it squares by sign, that is enough. You'll miss a lot of information using orbs). Saturn being discipline isn't working as well as he would like. With that many oppositions to it, maybe not rebellious, but instead boundary issues -- not always knowing where they are. The most negative aspect in his chart is a T-square (two planets oppose and one planet squares both) from Neptune in Scorpio to Jupiter in Taurus squared by the Moon in Leo, making the Moon his focal planet. Since these are fixed signs, it is a fixed focal Moon. These people don't show their level of sensitivity, but it's in there. And being a Leo Moon, there's the tendency to show off. And based on the picture I saw on gawker.com, he has a lot to show off. Also any time you have Neptune squaring the Moon, you have a liar.
Here's the kicker in his personality and one that should be noted when entering into a relationship. His Venus and Mars are in the same sign. It doesn't matter which sign that is, his in Cancer. I don't like this at all. These people have very mixed feelings about relationships. The least of which is that they vacillate in their level of affection and the worst of which is that they can have very unusual sexual inclinations including homosexuality. These are the only two planets in his chart not aspected badly, but they aspect each other.
So we're looking at a very Virgo person (can be a virgin or a sinner), extreme sensitivity, a liar, and not all that interested in what his partner is feeling -- a dog -- a bad bet for marriage. This is why if there is only one time in your life you see an astrologer, it should be when you decide to marry. Most astrologers can read a natal chart.
Currently his chart has progressed Mars (the planet that will unravel your life in a negative aspect) conjunct the Moon that is natally in a T-square. While some conjunctions are not harmful, Mars is always negative. Conjunct his Moon, his feelings are being shredded right now. He's suffering in a way he probably has never suffered before. He doesn't have a clue as to how this all happened. With the Moon, it's all about feelings that you express, because they are your feelings, and they feel right to you. He currently feels betrayed by his own instincts. And yes, that happened. A Mars progression is so negative that it overtakes your ability to make good choices. That's why it is so important to know when this aspect happens -- even though it will only be a couple of times in your life. You need to know when. It is not a time for bad behavior. You will suffer.
The conclusion is the same. He's in big trouble. Trouble he can't rationalize his way out. And he's still crying -- even more with that Moon. And he's still a clown. I feel sorry for his wife who couldn't have known this (without the advice of an astrologer). This is another reason to take astrology seriously.