I’m a fan of the Kennedy’s. Especially right now of Bobby. He’s going to overhaul our health via the government while opening our eyes to the stupidity we’ve been fed — literally and figuratively for way too many administrations. But even RFK, Jr. has some giant skeletons in the closet — drug addiction among them — heroin no less. It’s a heavy burden — this Kennedy thing. Not to be taken lightly.
But the new Kennedy, the son of Caroline daughter of John, shocks the sensibilities in his lack of reverence. He’s got the Kennedy looks, the chiseled features and bushy hair, which frankly works for him much better than it does his mother. Although a highly masculine facade, there’s not much in the way of the subtle charisma, because this guy doesn’t know the meaning of subtle. He’s in your face. He’s got opinions. Lots of them with nothing to back them up. But in this age of the social media, no qualifications necessary. Updated hourly.
Jack Schlossberg is a Capricorn with Capricorn rising. Already I know something in his childhood wasn’t that great. I’ve never met a Capricorn rising that had a good childhood, think Prince Harry, regardless of the extravagant circumstances. Since Cap is all about restrictions, what was not there growing up? What was missing from his mother’s perfectly crafted image? Miss goody two-shoes?
Caroline is a woman I would expect to like: Sagittarius with an Aquarius Moon. Right away, we’re talking classy. Two of the high-minded signs. And Sagittarius rising. Mars in Scorpio is a focal planet along with Neptune. So she’s pushy and a bit wishy washy on how she sees things — easily glosses over what she doesn’t want to see. No kidding! Her son is off the rails. Clearly he needed more discipline. Because he has zero now. This is a child that was told way too often that he is the center of the Universe. Coddled. But remember, his childhood was unhappy. Another nepo baby that was given the world, but not told how to find his place in the world. Ignored and pampered. Because his also nepo baby parent had her own issues and expectations that were impossible to achieve — the desire to shine as brightly as her celebrity parents — Jack and Jackie Kennedy.
You know Sagittarians, we’re flexible. If we can’t zig, we zag. When my liberal dreams came crashing down, it wasn’t that difficult to admit I was wrong. Caroline is not only Sadge Sun, she has Sadge rising. This tells me just how powerful the liberal agenda is — just how brainwashed we are/I was. You truly believe that you are saving the planet with your generosity and kindness — only to find out that, okay we’re back to this — people need boundaries. From the government? Yes, from the government. Sorry. Not sorry.
Right before RFK Jr.’s confirmation hearing for his spot as the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, Caroline ranted in a video that her son supposedly encouraged her to do, how Bobby is a predator because he was feeding his falcons live baby chickens and that he alone was responsible for the Kennedy children’s drug problems. Caroline took the time, out of her rich bitch life, to sabotage her cousin’s moment to shine? While making herself a bit of a mockery. Because why? Was playing the part of the good girl too self righteous and sanctimonious? And by the way, the downfall of the high-minded signs. Did she forget to have fun and make a few mistakes? Doesn’t she look like she forgot to have fun?
It was hard enough watching her brother, John Kennedy Jr., lap up all the attention. His Kennedy good looks paying off with every gesture. His ability to enjoy himself while still seeming to float through life. Did she forget to empathize with the heavy burden that was placed on him. Yes, it is tough to be told you hold the stewardship of the Kennedy name. So much so, John cracked. But Caroline, like every jealous woman and we are all taught to be that, couldn’t see that her brother was in trouble. And apparently, she can’t see that her son is in the same predicament. The difference is the public can see it. Jack is crying out for help.
So instead of Jack Schlossberg being a young man with huge possibilities, he is a clown. Dancing around and singing and giving us his opinions on life. All while sending the Kennedy legacy of masculinity and leadership down the toilet. He is a tragedy waiting to happen.
Jack currently has his predictive Venus and predictive/natal Jupiter square Mars. Any Mars square is a cause for concern. Mars is the nasty progressed planet. Venus is the people you love and to some degree how the public sees you. What I would have expected to see — predictive Mercury square his Neptune. It’s a bit away. This should completely end any fascination the public has with him. These are serious aspects in the Xtrology Method of Prediction. I don’t necessarily see death. Transiting Pluto isn’t involved now that it moved to Aquarius, but it sat right on his Sun for years in Capricorn. So he should survive. But there will be consequences.
For your own personal reading, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. But if you really want to reach me, call/text 323 640-8660. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I post the Moon’s aspects. Every. Single. Day. For Instagram, it’s xtrology_of_hollywood and for TikTok, it’s Xtrology.
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