Jane Fonda, like me, is Sagittarius. I usually can tell when someone has a Sagittarius Sun, Moon or rising sign, because in some way they talk like me. So I've always thought that Jane Fonda and I are alike, but not really. She has a movie star chart, I don't.
Her rising sign is Capricorn -- if she were born a little later and we would have the same rising sign. The one she has is not at all like Aquarius. It can take a normally bubbly Sagittarius and restrict them in every way. Things aren't taken lightly. It's all internal drama -- very internal with a stiff upper lip on the exterior.
Jane's Sun and Venus are focal planets, and you may recall, this is the movie star combination -- she thinks she should be the center of the Universe, but doesn't love herself and doesn't believe anyone else could love her. Her other focal planet is Uranus and with her Sun and Venus in the 11th House (of Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus), she's a certifiable rebel -- remember her stance against the Vietnam war.
Jupiter in the 1st House often indicates a person who is overweight, but in Jane's case, she had an eating disorder for 20 years, and launched a very lucrative career doing exercise videos. You can give Capricorn rising credit for her restraint which you won't find usually with this Jupiter placement.
The most important thing we need to know about her is that from the age of 24 to the age of 40 she was in a long term positive Jupiter period -- the greatest gift the Universe can give. So Jane from an energy point of view has had it much easier than the rest of us. However, her natal chart is a different story. Most people either get an easy natal chart or easy progressions. She got easy progressions.
To listen to her, you would think it was all quite a struggle saying that she didn't know herself until age 60. She claims that this is her happiest time. But I would argue that. You'll always remember your Jupiter periods and the best times of your life. In 2016, her predictive Mars will square Pluto. I predict that will be considered by her to be difficult. Because of her age will be 79, it could be serious health problems.