Jennifer Lawrence, who shot to fame, as the star of "Hunger Games" is the latest Hollywood love story. People are impressed with the fact she doesn't take herself seriously. Is that real or is she a better actress than everyone thinks?
She is a Leo, love of the spotlight, with Moon in smarty pants, Gemini. Her Mercury is in it's rulership in Virgo. And here it comes, she has two focal planets, the movie star combo: Venus, no one loves me and the Sun, I'm the center of the Universe. So how do we account for her charm? Aquarius is rising (the air signs are the most charming, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and her Sun and Mercury are in the 7th House of Libra -- giving them both a Libra overtone. Lots of air going on here. So she's smart, too.
Are we getting fooled? A little. Here's why. Jupiter is opposing Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jupiter (even though it's an outer planet) is the relating planet. So she's not all that on board with people in general. She probably prefers the company of those closest to her.
I can assure you she's not kidding about the get-off-her-case-about-eating. That Venus focal, she is her own worst enemy. She criticizes herself enough without help from anyone else. And don't forget Mercury in Virgo. Rulership or not, she's critical. She tears it apart.
And yes, but of course, she has predictive Jupiter sextile predictive Mars. Hallelujah!
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