Really, Girl? You can't do your own dirty work and you have to get Randy Jackson to join you in your Scorpio jealousy. Believe it. Jennifer Lopez, "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World" launched in to what seemed to most viewers of American Idol as a vicious attack on Haley Reinhart. It was strangely reminiscent of last week's judging. But this time, Steven Tyler chimed in with "they're wrong" after witnessing the strange Randy/Jennifer conspiracy. Steven, who in my estimation, makes it clear he doesn't hold the same regard for Jennifer. He's not impressed.
If you know astrology, this won't entirely surprise you. Jennifer has a Scorpio Moon, the most jealous Moon of them all. And Randy Jackson is a Scorpio. He's just grateful La Lopez is paying attention to him, and there's that cagey Sun/Moon connection. But, Jennifer, you are in a, couple of times in a lifetime, Jupiter cycle. Can't you cut a girl a break? Actually, this move sent thousands of Idol viewers to their computers to vote for Haley. And got James Durbin voted off!!! There's a reason jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins. I'm always disappointed to see someone in a Jupiter period act badly. If you're not happy then, you will never be happy.
I'm a big fan of Jennifer Lopez, but when your jealousy has a negative effect on the people around you, karma rears it's ugly head. Look for Jennifer to continue to be prosperous in the future. But when her progressed Mars squares Pluto in 3 1/2 years, you'll see that jealousy issue boomerang. Pluto rules it, like Scorpio, so it will be pay back. Don't fool with Mother Nature.