Here’s what’s bugging me about people. The things you do reflect in your aura. You’re not getting away with anything. It’s your reputation, stupid. People see you as a whole. You may be beautiful, but it isn’t beautiful to be squandering your husband’s money — money that you didn’t earn.
Hailey Bieber is flying now. She’s having a baby. And her life is perfect. Good. Enjoy that. Her predictive Sun is sextile Venus and trine her natal Moon. Also predictive Mars is trine Neptune. That’s your dreams coming true. But I’m wondering. What exactly is her dream? Material things? A baby that she can buy things for? She does seem to be enjoying an over-the-top lifestyle while contributing little. Who pays this much attention to manicures? While her husband, Justin Bieber, often looks like the world is coming to an end. Does this remind anyone of JLo and Ben?
Justin is a Pisces, which is square Hailey’s Sagittarius Sun, rising sign, Mercury and Pluto. A stellium in Sagittarius. Even her Mars is opposition his Sun. Never a good sign. Indicates arguing.
Yes, they are like Jen and Ben. This relationship can’t work. And they also likely got together for the same reason — Justin and Ben need to remain sober. They picked women who would help with that at a time they were vulnerable. But both these women have ulterior motives. JLo has incredible ambition and it would appear so does Hailey. Both women are rising in their own minds by sucking the life out of their spouses. Jennifer is using Ben for publicity and Hailey is using Justin for money. Both are jealous of their husband’s former partners. In the end, both are psychic vampires. Do they think we don’t notice?
In addition to the above good aspects, Hailey also has her predictive Venus sitting on Pluto. Now am I getting your attention? Pluto will tank you. Every time. The crash is near. However with her predictive Mercury heading towards predictive Jupiter, she may end up with a lot of Justin’s money. Maybe that suits her just fine. Or can she pull this disaster out of the fire? Ahhhhh, no! So we’re back to — are all the private planes really worth it? You can blow your life in Hollywood in seconds by being a gold digger and/or a whore. One day you’re hot stuff and the next day you’re not. Hollywood is brutal when you aren’t the wife of a huge star any longer. And who wants to bring up a child alone?
What I’m getting here is that Hailey is happy, but Justin isn’t. Reality check. And that reminds me of someone else. Now who could that be…
Justin has coming up in one year predictive Mars sitting on his Venus. There will be fights. Epic fights. These two just were never meant to be together. Do you think Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck will stay friends? Not on your life! He hates her. He signed the papers for his new house on her birthday. There are no accidents. And eventually she will hate him. She paid him back for leaving her the first time. Scorpio Moons anyone? But won’t get a second chance.
Don’t you wonder how Jennifer Garner and Selena Gomez are doing?
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