I looked at this chart thinking that this was all for publicity -- there is no large fortune changing hands. For that to happen, you would almost have to have Jupiter in a really good aspect. So I pulled up the chart and guess what I saw?
Kylie Jenner is a Leo with two huge red flags. If you read Xtrology, you know my concern regarding Moon in Scorpio, one of the two worst places. Makes the native unnaturally vengeful, jealous and aggressive. And with this scary Moon also your focal planet, your insane sensitivity alone will cause you to snap. Mars in Libra makes one become Greta Getback seizing on any opportunity to wield negative influence. This is a woman fighting with her nature -- these urges that are like a little devil sitting on her shoulder. I've only seen one way to deal with this. Throw yourself into philanthropy. Immerse yourself in the helping of others. Because if you concentrate only on the size of your lips, you are just adding to this already questionable energy. You are heading down a superficial alley that can't save you. Look around. It's everywhere in the Hollywood community. Not all these people that are worshipped are happy -- regardless of their beauty and bank account.
However, I digress. Kylie is as happy now as she's ever going to be. Is her incredible wealth real? It could be. She currently has predictive Venus (beauty and the products that go with it) trining natal Jupiter (the planet that fulfills your blessings) recently having trined predictive Jupiter which is retrograding. So, hey, maybe. It's a lot of money, but if it's going to happen, it would be now.
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