Xtrology says Libya is not going to have a revolution at this time. It's just not in the stars or planets as astrologers call them. It doesn't mean that Libya doesn't need a revolution -- just that this is not the time. When it is right, that's when it will happen. The conditions are not optimum currently.
Wolf Blitzer says, "There is going to be a bloodbath in Libya." as he was talking to Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton says, "Only the Security Council can authorize action." Obama says, " Gaddafi has lost legitimacy to govern." How vague is that? Apparently, The United States is not getting involved.
Gaddafi has a negative progression -- progressed Mercury (communications) square his natal Saturn (work/health). So he's getting a lot of bad press. But since he has also stated, he isn't going to walk away. It looks to me like, without the help of Libya's chart, he's staying. His popularity may be at an all time low. Obama doesn't like him. But is this negative progression enough to get rid of him? Probably not. It's my opinion, in order to accomplish this, Libya's chart would have to have more activity -- as Egypt's does.
Whether you are a person or a country, don't take on a huge challenge without looking at your astrology chart. There are times when you will be successful and times when you will not. Pick the best time for the best outcome. People are going to die in Libya, and their intentions are good. But if they can't win, does this really make sense?
I think Libya can make progress at this time, but it is not through violent means. This isn't about keeping up with your neighbors. While revolution is definitely in store for Egypt with it's progressed Sun (you) conjunct Pluto (revolution), Libya would do better right now with peaceful protests. There is the possibility of progress. And possibly even some progress from the unrest now. But people don't have to die to make these changes.
UPDATE #1: The Security Council of The United Nations has issued a no-fly zone for Libya. Gadaffi has declared a cease fire. March 18, 2011.
UPDATE #2: August 23, 2011, the rebels have taken over the equivalent of the Libyan White House. Looking at the 12/24/1951 chart when Libya was freed from France and the UK and under a U.N. trust, I don't see that happening which made me questioned the birth data. I found a date, 9/1/69 that Gadaffi overtook the government, but I can't find the date of a new constitution. If anyone has that, let me know.