Once considered the most beautiful woman in the world, in the end, the actress, Elizabeth Taylor wanted to die. Already beaten down by one of the worst aspects in astrology, she took the next exit out when confronted with the possibility of more illness. She didn't stick around long enough to find out what was ahead.
Liz Taylor was the sensitive water sign, Pisces. And making her even more compassionate and a little combative was her Scorpio Moon known for its not-so-little amount of jealousy. Her Moon also serves as her only focal planet. In fixed signs, feelings are not displayed to the public. So what you saw from her was just a hint of the depth of intensity. All of this adding up to a very sexy, passionate lady.
Her characteristic frankness comes from her Sagittarius rising. As Sadge myself, I can tell you that the rising sign people are more outspoken than the natives -- blunt enough to sometimes be hurtful. Her Virginia Woolf character was characteristic of that part of her makeup.
Liz led a passionate life filled with many husbands. So it might surprise you to find that she had no 7th House planets, the house that rules relationships. Apparently, it was more passion than staying power. Her most important house (with the most planets) was the 3rd. If her men quit communicating with her, they were history.
December of 2007 found Liz performing in Love Letters on Broadway with James Earl Jones for her favorite charity, the AIDS Foundation. Early 2008, Ms. Taylor was hit with progressed Mars square Saturn. This is one of the most negative events in astrology and given her medical history, pretty miraculous she kept going at that point. However, it was then that she "retired" from acting. When the future held another negative aspect progressed Mercury square that same Saturn (rules health), I think she was more than ready to make her entrance into the spiritual world. Getting through one of these tough aspects is difficult when you are in your late 70's and two was just more than she was prepared to endure. It was the first day of the second aspect that we lost Liz. Transiting Pluto was squaring her natal Venus (love) and Uranus (sudden events). She lived life on her own terms and at the time she died, Liz was ready for the show to be over.