Wow! This never happens to me. But not only is James Packer, the man Mariah Carey became engaged to in January, a multi-billionaire, he's in a long term Jupiter and the positive aspect it's making is to Venus (love). So he decides he wants Mariah Carey and boom! He gets Mariah Carey. What could go wrong here? Well, something went down in Greece on his yacht and there's a crazy pre-nup in play. They're supposedly over? But are they?
Mariah is an Aries Sun, Mercury, Venus. I want to kill all Aries (just a personal vendetta), because they can be difficult. As the first sign in the zodiac, childishness runs rampant. They also thrive on relationship challenges. It's the games they play. Can really be maddening. But it really goes back to those planets that are not operating well -- as in her Moon in Scorpio where it's in its fall. Drama. Tons of drama. Then Aries and Scorpio together -- the two most angry signs in the zodiac -- the story gets further complicated. Mariah is a little more open about herself than most, but we don't really think she would be easy, do we?
Her astrology chart is in a pretty good place. Nothing really going on here. A nasty reputation aspect is coming up so she needs to be careful. She won't.
James Packer is a Virgo with, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, and Uranus there. He also has his Moon in Scorpio as well as Mars and Neptune. The Moon here means that it isn't operating correctly. All the negative characteristics of Scorpio come out -- his feelings are all over the place. He can be influenced by others. The way his pre-nup reads with all the conditions on the money he's giving her and how she should spend it, well, that's Scorpio at its worst -- controlling. Can you imagine one Scorpio Moon talking to another? It would be, "I want it my way." "No, I want it my way." Also his Saturn is on her Sun -- very karmic. Did they bring baggage into this relationship that will affect its outcome? Can someone take advantage of this and influence him? Really, how hard is it to paint Mariah with a crazy brush?
James Packer could not be in a better place. You have to think twice when you challenge a person with these aspects. They tend to win. Predictive Jupiter conjunct natal Venus. Great love aspect. Predictive Mars sextile predictive Sun. Great energy aspect. Predictive Mercury sextile natal Sun. He's communicating his message. I believe he really cares about Mariah. Supposedly he had a mad crush on her. So will he listen to his own instincts or will he allow outside voices to bring out the jealousy, suspiciousness and fear that lie under the surface?
Mariah, word to the wise. That diva stuff runs out. It gets your ego so out of joint you don't see what's right in front of you. You had this. A little humility could do wonders. Are you up for it? So the pre-nup is nasty. You're Mariah, remember? Let the fireworks begin. For us.
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