One of the scariest things about looking at Omar Mateen's astrology chart is what isn't in it? This man killed 49 people at Pulse, at gay club in Orlando Florida, and he isn't that different from the rest of us. It's the largest mass murder in United States history. Why him? Why now?
Omar's Sun sign is Scorpio with his Mercury (Mercury is always close to your Sun) and his Pluto there. He's already Scorpio so having that extra dose of Pluto (Scorpio's planet) just adds to the need for control. But again, many people have that. Yeah, they're all control freaks, but they don't kill people -- most of them. Also his natal Mars in Aries (the second most angry sign after Scorpio) is in it's rulership. However it squares his Neptune and Saturn -- that debilitates it's ability to work correctly. Not that unusual though. His Moon is in Aquarius and nothing really wrong with that. They often want to help society. And on some delusional level, I'm sure he thought he was. His Venus is in Libra, in its rulership -- and a sign that loves beauty. I think knowing his rising sign would be beneficial, but I don't have his time. Overall, while someone with this chart could kill, you would not think it would be on this level and this level of the innocence of his victims. He's killing people he doesn't know for having a lifestyle he doesn't agree with. He's acting out on an extreme level.
So, of course, his current aspects will show him in a really negative cycle? Not really. Most likely, without his time, his Mercury (his reputation) just conjuncted his Saturn. Again, normally, you aren't the person who ruins your reputation. But some do. He has two positive Venus aspects, predictive Venus conjunct his Sun and predictive Sun sextile his Venus. In my opinion, this is not about gay people at all. This is about his inability to make a relationship work. This is about jealousy. It really got to him that even gay people could find partners and go out to a bar and be happy -- when he couldn't. His marriage failed in four months. She says he beat her. Scorpio rules jealousy. This is mental illness. This guy is seriously damaged. I admit I haven't found the key to identifying bi-polar/borderline/narcissistic in an astrology chart. His Moon squares all the Pluto planets. The Moon is your stability and could easily be the key to mental problems. No doubt this guy is the perfect storm. A questionable astrology chart meets his environment, his influences, his overall lack of stability -- birth and environment. If you have any thoughts on this, I would love to hear from you.
If you would like a private reading, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter where I tweet the Moon's aspects every day.
UPDATE: From THE DAILY MAIL, 'Omar Mateen was gay': Orlando terrorist 'pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past DECADE and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men'