Unless You Throw It Away, You Don't Lose What You Accomplish in Jupiter
I’ve done it. Once with a job. Dazzled a studio into hiring me. Later they just didn’t like me. And it’s a bitch to make that work. I ended up mutually leaving. And it could have been fixed, but here’s where I went wrong. I was deathly sick on my first day at work and it embarrassed me. So I took every medication I could find and hid my illness. But I was acting really weird. I was trying to avoid talking to anyone. And guess what? My boss was a Pisces. He would have understand my infirmity but totally didn’t understand the bazaar way I was acting.
Meghan Markle dazzled her way into Harry’s heart. And like me, it was totally fake. She said everything Harry wanted to hear. After all, it was her only chance to marry him. She had to be on Team Harry — all the way. She had to bring something no other woman brought — the one thing she had to offer. The problem was Team Harry was a spoiled brat who imagined most of his grievances. And still, maybe he did need an ally for a short time. But eventually, she should have steered him away from that line of thinking into, dare I say reality, and one where he understood his complicated family instead of blaming them. She was either going to help him grow up or sink him.
Unfortunately for a narcissist, their agenda comes first. I would like to better understand how wrong the monarchy went for her. How quickly did she realize her lack of importance? How do you have a $54 million wedding and still feel ignored? Ungrateful? Unwilling to make an effort to find a place for yourself? She lost us all there. She was the fantasy for a million little girls — not to mention a million little black girls.
The thing that I was not prepared for was the laziness. And why wasn’t I? She fooled me, too. And Harry has it. But his is totally understandable. Hers must tell you something about how easy her childhood was. This little unattractive black girl who, with a lot of nurturing, turned into an attractive white girl who believed she could do anything. The megawatt smile was born. That was her father. He accepted her completely. Why wouldn’t any white man do the same thing?
Let’s start with Meghans rising sign, Cancer. No other sign has quite the quality of jealousy that this rising sign does. They always feel like outsiders. They always feel that other people have it better than they do. From experience I know this. It doesn’t matter what the person accomplishes. Nothing matters. Just this lifelong belief that they deserve more — forget reality. Scorpio is also jealous but they don’t blame. They kick butt.
Speaking of Scorpio, Ms. Markle has Pluto conjunct her Moon. Same as a Scorpio Moon. The Moon’s qualities don’t match the qualities of the Moon. So in this sign, the Moon operates badly. Usually at a minimum, natives are obsessed with sex. But control is another huge issue associated with Scorpio. There is an obsessive need for it. And she, no doubt, realized that being in the Royal Family gave her no standing to demand her needs be met. This, more than anything, was the reason she had to get Harry out of there.
Even while her designer wedding dress was being fitted — Meghan was not feeling enough in control. So a fight must ensue. With? The person who frustrated her the most — Princess Kate — the person this wouldn’t be happening to — the person who has it better than her. And the most obvious person she could compare herself to. Did you notice she starved herself until she looked like Kate for the wedding — if you had any doubt Kate was the object of her jealousy.
Also conjunct her Moon is Saturn which is Capricorn. One is the planet. One is the sign. Same thing. This another other trouble maker in the Universe. Capricorn is cold, remote, solitary. The Moon is not. Capricorn is highly ambitious. They must climb. Every step is just one more step to the top. Every move is just on the way to somewhere else. There is no satisfaction. There is no enjoyment. Capricorn Moon is happy only when they conquer. They need applause on a daily basis.
Mars is your energy. Megan’s Cancer Mars is in its fall there, again meaning it doesn’t work well in this sign. If Mars is exalted in Capricorn (this is a planet that likes Capricorn), then its opposite, Cancer, is lazy. And if that weren’t enough, her Mars in lazy Cancer squares four Libra planets: The Moon? Can’t get out of bed. Saturn? Can’t find the right direction. Jupiter? Can’t make it materialize. And finally Pluto? Can’t find a way to access her power.
But let me make this simple:
Cancer rising is a challenging rising sign - produces jealous people
Scorpio Moon is in its fall — a red flag
Capricorn Moon is in its detriment — a red flag
Cancer Mars is in its fall — zaps energy/productivity
Mars is square four signs (a stellium) - energy everywhere but where it should be
All of this could be predicted ahead of the marriage.
Meghan is temporarily out of aspects. Predictive Sun square Neptune is over. This was very simply her being delusional about what she could accomplished. The next one coming up is exactly the first of 2025. That will be Predictive Venus square natal Mercury. This is the end of her marriage. And because it comes right before the holidays, they might be a contributing factor. And then she slides downhill from there. In 2026, she gets predictive Mercury conjunct Pluto. Her reputation and power are severely compromised. And in 2027, she gets predictive Mars conjunct Sun. I consider the last one to be the worst because you doubt yourself, your place in the world and your very reason for being.
Meghan has most of this year with no aspects. If she were my client, I would tell her to pull it together now. Stabilize your career and your marriage. Otherwise neither one will exist in the future. That’s all. Your call.
You either have to work or give the working people a lot of latitude. What you can’t do is sit around and say no to everything you are offered. Harry has to find something he is good at. But what is that? He was good at being Harry. I don’t see him crunching numbers and reading scripts. He needs to be able to show up and dazzle. He is good at speaking, but not at telling people how to lead their lives.
So this I would also say to Meghan. If you love your husband and want your marriage to work, back him. Give up this nonsense that you’re going to make it in Hollywood as a producer or an actress. You’ve blown that chance. There is still time to crawl back to the firm in light of the health issues at home. Hammer out a deal where you and Harry represent Africa. You stay in your space and let the Wales’ have theirs. You live and work for the betterment of the colonies. You find the beauty in giving back. Because if that or something similar doesn’t work, Harry will tire of failing and be forced to move on without you.
A final thought: Transiting Pluto, that moved into Aquarius for about 20 years, is conjunct Meghan’s karmic nodes in the 7th House of Relationships. I interpret this to be the Universe telling her, “This relationship defines you. You must make sense of it. Or it will destroy you.”
The frumpy little girl who had everything handed to her, who dared to mock the Queen even after receiving the title of duchess, is about to experience Karmic Justice.
For your own private reading, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. But if you really want to get ahold of me call/text 323 640-8660. Also please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter where I tweet the Moon’s aspects every day. For Instagram, it’s xtrology_of_hollywood. Your questions and comments are welcome.