Does anyone remember what it takes to raise a child? Does anyone think that is easy? Or inexpensive? And didn't she turn out to be a lovely girl? He must have done something right. Why is Thomas Markle getting slaughtered by the media? How would you feel if your daughter won the lottery and did not include you? Or would rather not want know you now that her life has changed for the better? Is he acting so badly? Do we only identify with the princess and not with the person left behind?
Thomas Markle is a Cancer -- the most sensitive of the signs with a strong emphasis on family -- the house that it rules. His Moon is also in Cancer and conjunct Saturn which is like having your Moon in Capricorn. Okay, Moon in Capricorn. This is why we look at astrology charts. Because now I'm like that's a cranky and unpleasant Moon but also an extremely charming one. Am I being fooled? Because yeah, I think I am. There's more here than I can see. I have Capricorn Moon friends and, you need to keep your eye on them. I know this is a big blanket statement, but they can turn on a dime. So his relationship with Meghan is complicated -- more than one can determine with an astrology chart.
Thomas Markel currently has his predictive Sun square his natal Moon so he is in a lot of emotional pain. He is human. He has feelings. And he is her father. But no one but them knows exactly what has transpired. Possibly this is payback. All I'm sure of is that he is suffering despite all his bravado.
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