When a person's rising sign, Mel's in Aries, squares his Sun sign, Capricorn, you often get a person who seems to have multiple personalities. Since the rising sign is how people see you (Aries, childlike), your Sun sign is who you really are (Capricorn, serious). But even more confusing is how the person feels himself -- torn in different directions.
Three focal planets later, fixed Mars (strong willed dare-devil), fixed Saturn (ambitious, compulsive) and fixed Neptune (needs that ordinary outlets don't satisfy) and you've got a complicated person, but one that can make things happen. With his Venus in Aquarius (a placement that has trouble with trust) and you can see why he stuck with his wife so long -- he trusted her. But it's also a cool and fickle placement since Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (the volatile planet). So rumors of him philandering are probably true.
Mel Gibson is yet another famous person who has a very unique chart. That's why they are famous. His natal Saturn is 29 degrees. That allowed it to do an usual thing which was progress to the next sign, Sagittarius. There it squared his natal Jupiter for 30 years from age 9 to 29. The definition of this is that ambitions are thwarted and enemies can be made. But, the big but and why he is such a mega-star, his natal Jupiter was so low, it retrograded by progression to the next sign, Leo and conjuncted his Pluto for 30 years from age 15 to 45. So through the protection of Jupiter, he didn't suffer much. But you can see some of the Saturn progression in his personality which can be quite controversial.
Currently he has a very difficult chart with progressed Mars (energy) squaring his Moon (feelings) and inconjuncting his Jupiter (money). Some people deal with this by leaving their partners in the hope that they will find happiness with someone else. But you can't run away from an aspect. So for now, he's not feeling all that great. But how sorry can you feel for anyone this lucky?
UPDATE1: March 2010, Mel says who cares about Tiger Woods when we have young men in battle?