Her real name is Melanija. Am I being sensitive? Maybe. Try to pronounce that like she pronounces her name now. Okay, I am against changing your name. It's inauthentic. But, I'm the first one to wear makeup. So maybe I'm just a hypocrite. What else is going on with this woman whose husband, Donald Trump, is running for president of The United States?
Let's start at her weakest point since the discussion of her plagiarizing Michelle Obama at the Republican National Convention isn't going away. Her Moon is its detriment, Capricorn. And it's weak because the characteristics of the Moon do not match the characteristics of the sign of Capricorn. And remember one can change. You have free will. But rarely people do. Most people like who they are.
I'll quote from my favorite book, "Your Horoscope and Dreams." "...the qualities that go to make up a social human being, happily adjusted to the life, are completely absent. And, "...a keen brain always on the lookout for victory at someone else's expense." With the help of one of my many astute friends, I've come to the conclusion that Melania lifted Michelle's words purposely -- to mess with Donald. I don't believe she wants to be First Lady. She told him that. She's lazy and doesn't want to be put in a position where she has to work -- has to be accountable. This less-then-humble woman would rather make costume jewelry for HSN, than make America better.
Melania is a stellium Taurus (four planets in the same sign) with her Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn There. She also has a Grand Earth Trine which makes it a little bit easier to realize her financial dreams than the rest of us. She clicks her fingers and a rich man appears. With the relating planet, Jupiter, opposition all the Taurus planets, she doesn't relate to us. Doesn't care to. We're the little people. She calls her son, mini-Donald, and slathers caviar cream on him every night. Insecure? Snob?
Currently she has predictive Mars square Uranus. Mars tosses your life around like a salad, and Uranus makes it a bit of a surprise. That happened. Coming too, is predictive Venus square Jupiter. Don't you love karma? In one year, love (Venus) will The Trump's relationship turn sour due to overdoing (Jupiter). Will that be overspending, too much caviar?
I'm imaging a First Lady that has a picture of her naked self chained to a briefcase? Just no.
For a private consultation, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please contact Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter.
UPDATE: Melania wore a Pussy Bow Gucci blouse to the 2nd Presidential Debate. Draw your own conclusions.
UPDATE2: From D-LISTED, "Hmm…I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but now I’m really starting to believe that Melania is secretly trying to sabotage her husband’s campaign, because she so doesn’t want to move into the White House. The opulent building where Melania lives now has a Gucci store downstairs. Does the White House have a Gucci store in it? I think not. Downgrade." October 19, 2016
UPDATE3: Paraphrasing from COLBERT skit: Melania, "Only a woman could be president. Men are dogs." Funny. October 20, 2016
UPDATE4: Melania wearing another Pussy Box at the 3rd Debate? How stupid is Donald?