Cookie Monster on Mercury/NASA
Mercury will retrograde October 21 to November 9, 2013. Traditionally in astrology, this is not the time to enter into contracts, have a book published, take short trips, buy a new computer/phone, or start new projects because of the backward motion of this planet. It actually is an illusion. Planets cannot change direction. Mercury is simply slowing down.
The real influence is the sign and the degrees. Sometimes it retrogrades out of it's current sign. This one starts at 18 degrees Scorpio and retrogrades to 2 degrees Scorpio. You need to have planets within 23 degrees to 0 degrees (5 degree orb) Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, or Aquarius to really feel the effects of this -- which are somewhat minor anyway.
Since Mercury rules communication, during this time prepare yourself for miscommunication. Also brothers and sisters and short trips could be areas of trouble.
As it is in the sign of Scorpio, which rules the 8th House (regardless of what sign your 8th House is in), watch inheritances, death/rebirth, psychic-ness, surgery (even I wouldn't recommend surgery with Mercury Rx), and sexual issues. Pluto, 8th House, Scorpio --- same thing.
Also look to the houses in your chart where Virgo and Gemini (Mercury's rulers) are on the cusps (there are many free charts on the Internet), but you must know the time of your birth for this information), and look to where your Mercury is placed natally and how it is aspected (conjunct, opposition and square). These are also areas that might give you a clue as to what to expect.
Even things already begun may have to be put on hold. But as soon as the retrograde is over, the problem will resolve. So not to worry.
Things to do on a retrograde are anything that has the prefix "re" such as repair, renovate, restructure, research and rethink. This is an excellent time to prepare for a future project. And if you go on a vacation at this time, you just might return there in the future. So whatever it is you do, make sure you are willing to do it again. Sometimes people from your past will return in this period. Things you thought were over, if they are ever going to, will revive -- such as relationships with friends or lovers.
So good things can come out of this time. It's not all bad news. There is a time and place for everything.
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