Get over any gloom and doom about Miley Cyrus. This girl is just fine. Thank you very much. She got hit with the Bite Me transit, but overall she going to sail right through her little twerking controversary at the VMA's. Just watch her brand grow! Her relationship with Liam Hemsworth? Another matter altogether...
Miley is a Sagittarius Sun with Mercury, Moon and Pluto conjunct in Scorpio. With Saturn squaring these planets, she doesn't think her dad treated her mom right. The mother (the Moon) is controlling so Miley grew up with this as a blueprint -- to keep her man in check. Although Moon/Pluto conjunct can impart crazy intuitive creative energy.
Liam is Capricorn which is Miley's Venus. He has an unusual number of Capricorn planets, five -- Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. What makes this important is that conjunct planets influence each other by sign, house and planet so his Sun is quite overwhelmed with the different kinds of energy it receives. This translates into a person who has trouble differentiating data. Liam isn't sure if he likes what Miley is doing or not. It appeals to him on some levels and not on others. Capricorn will still dominate -- especially because these planets are also in the 10th House. He will lean toward discrimination. Capricorn is old school all the way.
However, his predictive Sun is opposition natal Moon (around now without the time). So he's just not that happy. Period. And his predictive Mars is conjunct his natal Uranus. Maybe not quite yet. This is a dangerous aspect and together with the Sun/Moon, we might expect a blow up in the future. Still a Cappy, he may keep it private. What I wonder about is his predictive Venus sitting on his Sun -- or just about to do that. That's love every time. Is it Miley? Or is it someone new? The timing could be such that he moves on and doesn't look back.
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