I was watching Ryan O'Neal on PIERS MORGAN and I had to know what was up between him and his daughter, Tatum O'Neal. Why can't they get along? Ryan is a Taurus and Tatum is a Scorpio. They're opposite each other on the astrology wheel. Not that big a deal. Not enough to cause their level of tension. It's trickier than that. It's Pluto.
Ryan not only has a Taurus Sun, he has Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus there also. And they are all focal planets to his Pluto Moon/Mars opposition. Taurus is one of the fixed signs. If you know one, you'll know that they get stuck in concrete. They don't budge. I could have guessed that Ryan has a focal Sun because he definitely comes off as a narcissist. When he talks, it's always from his point of view. A focal Venus surprises me a little as he seems quite confident, and with focal Venus, you don't believe you are loved or lovable. That would account for all the women in his life. A lot of movie stars have focal Sun/Venus as they are both their own favorite person and a person who needs a lot of attention. Focal Uranus makes him shifty -- especially in commitments -- anything to do with staying power. His natal Pluto in Leo, The Me Generation, squares all his Taurus planets. And his Aquarius Moon and Mars in the 8th House of Scorpio square all his Taurus planets. He is a Pluto person by Donna Cunningham's definition -- heavy natal Pluto. A Jupiter/Sun conjunction in his natal chart, makes him luckier than most people.
With a stellium in Scorpio, Tatum is also a Pluto person as Pluto rules Scorpio. These are not focal planets for her. She has none. But they all fall in her 2nd House, Taurus' house -- so they all take on a Taurus overtone -- giving her some of the earth stubbornness. With her Saturn, the father, squaring all those planets, she can't get what she wants from him. Can't, as in, it will never happen. Give up and let him be who he is. This is a thankless fight. No winners. She didn't get the best of fathers, but she's also a bit spoiled/bratty and very Plutonian -- power crazy. Her father strips her of her power and she melts down.
Ask Farrah. Ryan said a very controversial thing during his interview. He suggested that Farrah Fawcett might still be alive if she hadn't run into the O'Neals. And, hey, you Dr. Dyer fans, I agree. Cancer is stuffing things down and not dealing with them. In this situation, she didn't have a chance against these strong-willed individuals. Looking at her life, what else was causing her pain? We know a lot about her. What else could it be?
As far as their future? Not much is going on in Ryan's chart -- a progressed inconjunct from Mercury to Mars. There may be some repercussion from his outspokenness. Tatum has some nice progressed sextiles and her progressed Mars is trine her natal Pluto. So she may get some of her questions resolved. I wouldn't expect her to go off the deep end in the near future. She can stablize her life now.
The lesson in watching Tatum and Ryan battle is we can't change our parents. Astrology believes you get them for a reason. These are your parents for the lessons you learn. Tatum has to realize you can't force people to do what you want by behaving badly. She's way too invested in winning. Parents and kids get in confrontations, parents win. Ryan has stepped so far out of the spiritual realm, he isn't going to listen or change.