Shannon Doherty, who we remember most as Brenda Walsh on BEVERLY HILLS, 90210, was diagnosed with breast cancer in March of 2015.
Shannon's an Aries Sun with her Mercury there. These people are kind of bratty by nature -- like kids. They're the first sign in the zodiac and the most childlike -- which can be good, I guess. Her Moon is in Scorpio where it is in its detriment -- meaning it doesn't work well there. And if you know any, they can, again, be a handful. In fact, the two most angry signs ruled by Mars and Pluto respectively are Aries and Scorpio. So we see that with Shannon as a lot of unresolved issues. Then there are three focal planets. Hers are Neptune, Jupiter and Mars. While her Mars is in the exalted sign of Capricorn, it squares her Sun/Mercury and as a focal planet it makes one overly determined to have their way. And being in a complimentary sign, they often get it. But at what price?
Today Shannon has her predictive Mars square her predictive Venus. When I had this, I would wake up in the morning and wait for the feelings of suicide to come. My father had just died. But as the day wore on, I would come out of this hormonal shift -- that was nothing short of torture. As I've said many times, there is an event that accompanies these negative aspects. We all get them. And they are a bitch to get through. Negative Mars in a progression is quite scary. Shannon's resulted in cancer. Usually it won't be an illness. But it will hit you at your weakest point.
She also has her predictive Sun opposing Jupiter which could be her mother or an influential female or it could be that she's overindulged in some way and needs to stop.
Not at all helping the situation is the transiting Pluto sitting on her natal Mars. Had that, too. Bitch, too. And because Pluto is the slowest transiting planet, it takes a long time to move away.
So this is a tough time. We need to send her light and prayers. This is where we come together and work as a team. Team Shannon. Healing. Love.
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