We lost Prince April 21, 2016 and really for not a very good reason. Though we don't have the toxicology results back, it's looks pretty good for overdosing on painkillers. What I hate about this story is that he had so much and it wasn't enough. When is it enough? And when does society start defining it by the stuff that matters and not all the glitz and glamour. 'Cause our boy had plenty!
Prince was a Gemini Sun/Mercury. His Moon was in the kind and compassionate sign of Pisces -- one of the reasons so many people loved him. His Venus was in its rulership in Taurus and Mars in its rulership, Aries. His first focal planet is in Uranus. Referring to Bil Tierney here, "indicates an individual who can act as a social catalyst for collective reform and general social progress. However, "...too extreme or socially explosive a manner to comfortably attune himself to others." He was high strung. And because it was in a fixed sign, Leo, he was exceptionally determined and not in a good way.
On the day of his death, he had a very negative Xtrology chart. Predictive Mars was sitting on his Venus and squaring his Uranus. And his predictive Sun was conjunct his predictive Uranus. Pluto (death) was opposition his Moon. This is a very, very unusual aspect since he had it from the age of three. Pluto went out of its original sign which it almost never does and then it has to have a planet to aspect. In Prince's case, it did. It's a little depression all your life made worse by those additional aspects. It would be easy to know that he was in danger by looking at this chart. And did I mention he had Scorpio rising? So even if people had known and had done everything possible, Prince may not have listened. Scorpio rising people don't. They don't listen. And they don't blame anyone for the outcome either. It's that important they make all their own decisions. Even if it involves death. I know. It's frustrating if you know one. And it seems if there are a lot of them out there. Because I know a bunch.
So in a weird way, his death was inevitable. My belief is that he would have refused help when it came just as he left the hospital nine days earlier. Prince was Prince in all his goodness and badness.
To have a private session, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit on Facebook and Twitter. This one's for you Sydney, my No. 1 fan!