Rob Kardashian, the youngest member of the Kardashian family, has a new girlfriend, Blac Chyna. There's a bit of bad blood since she is also the former girlfriend and Baby Mama of Tyga, Kylie Kardashian's current boyfriend. And somebody slept with somebody I'm not sure who or what. Are you keeping up? Sooooo is this interloper, Blac Chyna, just trying to piss off this famous reality family or is she for real?
Rob is a Pisces with a Pisces Mercury. He's a sensitive guy. His Moon is in charming Libra so it's unusual when he does anything controversial. His Venus is in the not-so-warm-and-fuzzy sign of Aquarius. He doesn't fall in love easily. And with Venus as a focal planet he feels unloved and unlovable -- which totally accounts for his 100 pound weight gain. He's not the most confident person and to expand on that, his Venus placement makes him not all that trusting. So this is a big move for him. Is he making a mistake?
Blac Chyna is a Taurus which is Rob's Mars placement. That's good. It's a connection. And Taurus (earth sign) and Pisces (water sign) are completely compatible. Blac, or do you call her Chyna, has her Moon in the sign of Pisces. So she's a compassionate person -- not all that interested in the reality of the situation. And Rob's size? Probably doesn't bother her at all. Pisces are like that. They'll never hold superficial traits against you. And a Sun/Moon connection is another good thing. She also has the fortunate Sun/Jupiter conjunction so she fits right in with the always lucky (and Jupiter blessed) Kardashian clan. Her Venus is in the another air sign, Gemini. So these two may have a little problem believing in each other. But all couples have something they have to deal with. You can't find a person with a perfect chart. It doesn't happen.
I like these two together, but there's a problem. Isn't there always one? Currently Rob has his predictive Sun opposition his Moon -- not a happy camper. And his predictive Venus (how you love someone) is square to his Saturn creating restrictions. Overall this isn't the chart of a person who is going to find the love of their life. It doesn't keep one from hooking up, but it does make it difficult to find love -- because these negative aspects tend to make most of us cranky -- especially when they aspect the Moon -- your feelings.
Blac Chyna is also experiencing less than perfect timing. I wish we could just overcome this, but astrology is meant to tell you when to move forward and when to hold back. She has two squares: Her predictive Venus to her natal Moon and her predictive Mercury to her natal Moon. That's a lot of lunur madness. Aspects to your Moon will make you emotional even if it's not your natural inclination. Mercury could also bring her bad press. People will be inclined to see this as opportunistic -- even if it's not. And she's dealing with Chris Jenner who, according to rumor, holds Rob's purse strings. This is where Chyna's iron will determination will serve her well. She won't slink off.
But can these two make it as a couple? I'm going to say that the odds are against them. They have a lot to overcome. Eventually the aspects will change. But for now, they are the definition of a star-crossed couple. The timing isn't right.
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UPDATE: According to E: “He was so pissed at how she spoke to him, so he deleted everything about her to hurt her.” And apparently he has also called her on Snapchat "psycho bitch" and "crazy ass." All for publicity or not looking good?
UPDATE2: August 18, 2016, Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian now have a reality show which has not yet aired. THE DAILY MAIL posts, "...with the former exotic dancer confessing she'd still be working in a strip club if she hadn't fallen for her beau." Nice beginning.