Sheryl Sandberg, COO, of Facebook, has written a new book, LEAN IN telling women that they can do more and have more if they just stand up and ask for it. Is this highly educated women (B.A. in economics and Master's in business from Harvard) right? Do we need to ask for more?
What makes a super achiever? In Sheryl's case, it starts with her Sun in Virgo. Virgo is the hardest worker. Having it in your first five planets (the personal ones) will give you a good work ethic. A Libra Mercury gives her the ability to talk in a manner that doesn't ruffle feathers. I was surprised to find she has a Pisces Moon. These people are usually so highly sensitive to outside stimuli, they get off message very quickly. But it's a compassionate position. People are quick to mention she is worth $1 billion dollars, but that's in Facebook stock. So she didn't crawl dead bodies to earn it -- like many overachievers have. Her natal Mars is in Sagittarius where it lends itself to, again, charitable endeavors and looking out after the underdog. Finally, her focal Mars makes her uber-determined. She's telling women to ask for more, demand more. How easy is it to tell others to demand what comes naturally to her?
Her predictive planets show us this is a Jupiter period for her with predictive Sun conjunct predictive Jupiter. She's shining now like a bright star. But she got here mostly from hard work. Jupiter didn't create her like it did, say Chelsea Handler who owes her success to Jupiter luck.
Sheryl's message is for women to speak up. We're already positioned to take over the world with women getting college degrees in much greater numbers than men. It's true that we don't have an equal number of the highest jobs. And we still make only 77 cents to the dollar that men make. But it will happen in time. If we make another big push, are we leaving men further behind? Do we really want to do that? As women, are we setting ourselves up for completely emasculated men?
Wouldn't it be forward thinking to push for equality -- pay it forward -- demonstrate our strength? Do you really want your husband home with the children while you earn a paycheck? We're doing fine. The Women's Movement is a huge success. Yes, men did it to us. All women couldn't vote until 1920 -- most men, 1861. If you're counting that's a gap of 61 years. Interesting that bulldozer, Sheryl, is saying lean in. Gently lean in? The title of that book is a mixed message for me. (But completely in tune with her Libra Mercury.) What she really means is take no prisoners. Tear those jobs away from the male sex. Rip them right out of their hands. And what happens when most of Congress is women? Okay, we would do a better job. But who's home making cupcakes to take to PTA? That's a picture I don't want in my mind.
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