It's a New Age. It's Time to Realize What is Important and What is the Old Whine
Whoopie Goldberg, a member of The View, explained why Trump won the presidency, several times — kept repeating in case we missed it — he is a habit. We just got used to seeing him. Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin and Sara Haines agreed Kamala did nothing wrong. She didn’t avoid difficult interviews. She didn’t cackle and flail her arms like someone high on alcohol and drugs. She didn’t talk in circles as schizophrenics do — with little substance about actual policies. She didn’t DEI herself into a job she wasn’t qualified for.
Let me tell you what I can never get used to seeing: Journalists who wear extreme make up, tons of hair extensions, and sexy, tight outfits that were formerly seen only on hookers — as they sit at a table telling us that they are always right and we are alway wrong — in Whoopie’s case while she ballooned to 300 pounds before our eyes. Her, making $8 million a year, refusing to fly on airplanes and eating a diet of potato chips? How could she be speaking for all of America? Her opinions, usually tribal, not on merit — or right and wrong — but the color of a person’s skin. That’s not a view, it’s a mantra — much like Black Lives Matter. We’re done with that, too. Everyone matters. And always has.
Straight from the mouth of Sunny Hostin on Republican women: “Like roaches voting for raid.” And recently her rant referring to why Trump won: “…uneducated white women.”
This liberal sickness has been going on way too long. Rap music which often belittles white people was embraced with open arms. It was cool to come from the hood, carry guns, be a gangster, sell drugs, kill people — twerk. The liberals made this “music genre,” without any actual music not only legitimate, but transformed sketchy artists into icons — fabulously famous and wealthy.
The same entertainment industry with its elite white people adopting black children as a fad — the new one, encouraging their own children to be trans — when childhood is way too soon to get labeled with body dysmorphia.
Overweight gaudily dressed old men wearing jock straps reading to young children? Did The View address this? Does The View even understand we voted to get rid of woke? We want change.
Not a word. There was no realization at all that we can’t have criminals flooding our borders without consequences — those aren’t grape pickers living in New York hotels. Those women won’t be the ones living next door to neighborhood dogs being roasted on a spit. If it hasn’t happened, it will. Or a Venezuelan gang taking over your apartment building? Or a hurricane torn state waiting for resources because the money was spent on the migrant crisis?
Apparently none of them have relatives that were killed in the Ukraine? How many families were destroyed by a war that had nothing to do with The United States — that an agreement with Ukraine to not join NATO might have avoided. Do the View girls realize that people who voted for Trump paid for that war? And yet were never a part of the decision that led to “1,000,000 estimated casualties during the Russian invasion of Ukraine till mid-September 2024.” And there was just the horror of watching it unfold.
Or were any of them involved in the intimidation of censorship? When was the last time a guest on The View talked about the side effects, by which I mean deaths, of the Covid vaccine. Never. They weren’t censored because as part of the liberal media, they are the censors. The View? Interesting name. Not hypocritical at all.
And where did the homeless come from? Who allowed our city streets to become makeshift homeless shelters— allowing filth to become the norm — stepping over shit as you walk down a sidewalk?
Joy Behar specifically called Trump out on:
trashing servicemen
trashing John McCain
speaking ill of women
being held liable for sexual assault
What this reasonably intelligent woman, who is hanging on to her job like it’s a lifeline which at her age it is, is missing is the forest.
There is a little more at stake in 2025 than ‘personality traits.’ The job we just elected Trump to requires the courage to survive:
the Mueller Report
two impeachments
multiple prosecutions
two assassination attempts
Trump is human and flawed — like so many other great men in history. But as Tucker Carlson said, Trump is what you get when you push people too far. Trump is the trees. Thank God the majority of voters saw the forest.
Whoopie, Joy, Sunny, Sara we’re over it. We want our health back. We want our tax dollars being spent on the war to be building roads and bridges. We want only XX women playing women’s sports. When our children are exposed, it must be age appropriate. We refuse to ever wear masks again or be locked in our houses — assuming we have houses which currently aren’t affordable — not that you would know with your enormous salaries and bigger egos. Truth is: The View is old, has-been, kaput and needs to be thrown out with the other trash.
In the future, we, the people of the United States, will be deciding when, what and how we live. Thank you very much.
“My message to Americans tonight is simple: We do not have to live this way. We do not have to settle for weakness, incompetence, decline and decay,” from The Man himself…
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