Admittedly I have very little intuition. But I saw this coming. This girl has trouble ahead. And you can see her just pushing boundaries she hasn't even fully established. The future is precarious.
Tiffany Haddish is a Sagittarius with her Neptune and Venus conjunct. Neptune conjunct makes her a little bit Pisces. And prone to the allure of drugs and booze. On New Year's Eve, she had a big venue and basically just fucked it up -- big time. People are being nice and saying she will recover. She just let the prospect of hosting the Oscars go. Does that sound like she's going to get it together?
Currently Tiffany has predictive Sun square Pluto. She's in trouble. She has no time and no business screwing up. There are not that many more chances. I think she needs to get to a rehab and right away -- almost before people know she's gone. The days ahead are going to be hard. This is just starting and will last for two years. So there's no wishing it away. Pluto can kill you literally or figurative. This sounds a little harsh, but I believe her career could be over.
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