You haven't lived until you have spent time around a chain-smoker. Meg Ryan, America's Sweetheart, is marrying John Mellencamp. And it couldn't be more stupid. The smoking thing alone! It takes about a week living with a chain smoker to start coughing. The second hand smoke is more toxic than the smoke itself. This is suicide. And there's more.
Meg Ryan is a Scorpio, of course. The sweet gorgeous ones always are. She has three other planets, Mercury, Neptune and Venus also in Scorpio giving her a stellium. And her natal Jupiter squares them all -- which is a sign she doesn't understand social cues. Yeah, getting that. But besides being a difficult Scorpio with Capricorn rising, her predictive chart sucks. Is she desperate and looking for a man to save her? That I would understand, because this is a tough time. But her picker's off. Currently she has her Venus, her love life, square to her Moon. That's enough to not marry. Emotionally she's an empty hole. You have to be careful what you fill it up with. Her predictive Sun is also sitting on top of natal Saturn. Not fun -- a restrictive period. You're just not feeling like you've got it all going. Then finally her predictive Mercury is squaring her natal Mercury/Neptune. Is someone lying to her? Taking advantage of her? Well, yes. She's not in a space to be making good decisions. And didn't she already break up with Mellencamp once? Smokers are drug addicts. They also usually have a bunch of other addictive behaviors. Just so questionable.
John Mellencamp might be the nicest person alive. He's a Libra and they are charmers. And again a stellium. But Libra is the sign of passive/aggressive -- which means passive anger. Really if you are blowing smoke into someone's face, aren't you hurting them? Do you care? Yes you are. And no you don't. And it pains me to say it, but his Moon is Capricorn. Not all connections are good ones. His chart is in much better shape than hers with predictive Sun sextile Neptune. But in a couple of years, he has predictive Mars conjuncting natal Sun and later Saturn. He could get sick. He's sixty-seven. He's a mess.
Even if this is about money. It's not worth it. Nothing is more important than your health. Meg needs friends now that tell her the truth. Or read this blog. I'm posting it to Meg's Twitter/Instagram.
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