Wondering why we're seeing hurricanes, earthquakes and rebellions? Why right now there's a lot of strange things going on?
Currently in the sky overhead, we have a sinister aspect, two outer planets are squaring each other within 2 degrees. That's Uranus and Pluto, two of the heavyweights are at 3 degrees Aries and 5 degrees Capricorn, respectively. The craziness happens when you, or a city, state or country have a planet in early degrees of Libra or Cancer -- because that creates a T-square (two planets oppose and a third planet squares). T-squares are known to cause quite a commotion because they consist of the two worst aspects: the square and the opposition.
You will be feeling this if you are born between the 25th of September and October 1st or if you have a Libra personal planet at these degrees. Also if you are born between July 23rd to July 30th or have any personal Cancer planets at these degrees. If you have both, it is a Grand Square.
According to the legendary astrology, Robert Hand, speaking of a Uranus/Pluto square, "...because this transit affects a whole generation, the drastic changes you now encounter may be partly the result of social and economic forces beyond your control." "But these forces, even though they may appear to be impersonal, play a vital role in your individual development."
Add to this your Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus or Mars, and it does become personal. And you may have a mini-revolution or a difficult storm on your hands. By the end of the year, due to Uranus retrograding, the stress aspects should be significantly lessened. For now, you may have to look at something in your life that is not working. You may be faced with a challenge. But as with all astrology aspects, it will pass.