As you may know, I’m writing a book. Okay, maybe it’s still mostly notes and scribbles. But one day it will be a book. I’m collecting data.
One of the things I’ve been holding onto is the possibility that people can change. The fact that it shows up in your astrology chart, is a “suggestion.” People still have free will. You can change. Your astrology chart shows what you were born with — not who you choose to become. One example of that? A person with a terrible chart that was a great person — someone who rose above the negativity — who made her own choices — Whoopie Goldberg.
Whoopie is a Scorpio Sun/Moon/Mercury/Saturn — the last aspect being the equivalent of a Capricorn Moon. I want to say something nice now, but I can’t. Eventually these people will betray you — with little thought. They are the most ambitious charming people you will ever meet. They literally claw their way to the top — sometimes by being smart and generous. But once there, hold your breath. The other shoe will drop.
Whoopie also has another worst aspect in astrology — Mars in Libra. It’s betrayal. They simply can’t be on your side. They are passive/aggressive to the max. This means they are angry, but hide it. Angry with the world. And you. They will kick you when you are down. With glee.
I never got that with Whoopie. She just seemed like the most sensible person. And not just me, everyone loves her. No drama. I liked her and trusted her until the liberal nightmare started playing itself out. The pandemic. The Covid shot that everyone in the entertainment industry was supposed to advocate. I was disappointed. But it was easy to get fooled. Until it wasn’t. Goldberg was in a position to know the truth. There was no pandemic. The shot didn’t work. And there was a lot of evidence that people were suffering health consequences — even death.
Whoopie didn’t budge. Not only did she not budge, she pushed the shot hard. Her four Scorpio planets are squared by Jupiter and Pluto. The truth doesn’t mean that much to her in light of the money she is making and the lifestyle it affords her.
The current aspects I see for Goldberg are: Predictive Sun square Neptune. This is deception. Hers or someone to her. Also predictive Mercury square the Moon. Usually it is your reputation that takes a hit and because it’s the Moon, it’s emotionally devastating. And finally predictive Venus square predictive Mars. As some of you may know, a Mars square is a very unfortunate event. Venus being someone she loves? Mars is the most destructive planet in predictive Xtrology.
Three squares are very hard to outrun especially if you have any karma coming to you. Especially if you have harmed others…
For your own private reading, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I post the Moon’s aspects. Every. Single. Day. But if you really want to get ahold of me, please call/text 323 640-8660. For Instagram, it’s xtrology_of_hollywood. And new to TikTok, it’s Xtrology.
Your comments and questions are welcome.