Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez' husband has a very tricky aspect. His Predictive Mars (using day-for-a-year) is sitting on top of his natal Pluto and his natal Sun in Virgo. Some conjunctions are good, but never Mars or Pluto. He actually has four planets in Virgo, but also many in Libra and Aries which square his Cancer (love of home) Moon. Moon as a focal planet always means sensitive feelings.
His Venus in Libra is one of the planets squaring the Moon. This is a most telling aspect. I don't know about you, but just looking at Marc Anthony, I think there is something wrong. I never understood what attracted Jennifer. When the Moon and Venus square at birth, the native doesn't like his mother. He might even hate her. But for sure, he didn't get a good impression of women in general. He thinks of women as second-class citizens. According to Betty Lundsted in her book Astrological Insights Into Personality, " Venus (the concept of love) works against his normal emotional responses (Moon)." He probably overreacts around women. It can indicate homosexuality.
Add to that the anger that a Mars progression brings -- any anger you are holding onto gets projected onto your partner. It may even be unwanted anger. But with this aspect, it's coming out anyway. And then add in Pluto which is always about power -- who has it and who doesn't. And now you've got the end of a relationship. About another year and a half and this will pass. There is a good chance for the relationship to go forward with some therapy and counseling. But sometimes you just can't take it any longer. And that is what is happening to Marc and Jennifer who recently announced their separation.
REMINDER: Xtrology correctly predicted that the addition of J-Lo to AMERICAN IDOL would make it a success without Simon Cowell.