We're erecting a chart for a television channel. But it is done exactly the same way you would do a chart for a person. OWN, Oprah's new network will launch 12:00 noon 1/1/2011. I'll bet Oprah really liked all those ones, but they add up to "6" in numerology -- not the most ideal number for a company with "8" money or "1" being first, my choice.
The Sun for this chart (I don't know where the offices are but only the degree of the rising sign changes and only slightly) is in the 9th House -- so close to the ideal house, the 10th House of Career. It is still the highest planet on the Midheaven so that is good. Conjunct (next to) the Sun is Mars, giving the company energy and Pluto, giving the company power -- which has the potential of being mis-used.
Also in that 9th House is Mercury, which is always close to the Sun. The 9th House represents foreign countries, foreign people, higher education, religion, among other things. Mercury is how you communicate. So this station could take us to many far away locations.
Next I want to know what the focal planets are (two planets oppose and the focal planet squares). There are none. This means that the person/company is not that complicated -- more straight forward. But I do like a focal planet or two, because we are driven by our weaknessness' and our desire to overcome them.
Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct exact. This can be good or bad depending upon the transits and progressions as time goes on. With these two together, the fortune of this company could be unstable. Jupiter is money and Uranus is sudden and out-of-the-blue. They do have a nice trine to Venus, the other planet associated with money. However Venus in Scorpio is in its detriment and doesn't operate well there. For a company, this could mean some trouble with the loved ones i.e. employees. This company might not be as coherent as Harpo was.
Wouldn't you know, the Moon is in Sagittarius, the sign of truth. So Oprah is definitely setting out to tell it like it is -- good or bad. You would not expect less from Oprah. But that Moon squares Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. So telling the truth might not bring in the ratings. Oprah might find that people don't always want to hear the truth without the sugarcoating. The Moon is also conjunct Mercury so more confirmation that we're getting it straight.
Saturn is in the 6th House of Work. I'm interpreting this to mean that this venture will be more work than anyone expected. And it will only work with a lot of work. And all those Capricorn planets, the Sun, Mars and Pluto are squared by Saturn in Libra-- just making it even harder to get things done. That energy is compromised by a negative aspect like a square.
Finally, with Aries on the ascendant, this channel will be a baby with the needs of a child -- not a grown up like it's Sun in Capricorn. And since these two square each other, the identity will be a little confused -- somewhere between a child and a stern adult. Not so much somewhere but both -- sometimes one and sometimes the other.
If I had been picking the time for this channel to launch, I would have picked an Aries Sun with Jupiter conjuncting it (which it will be doing this year). I would have given it a complimentary Leo (show biz) rising sign. I'll pick those advantegous dates later (like I did last year) so if you are starting a company, you will have the best chart.
Overall, this is not the ideal chart to start on. It does have Oprah's love of honesty and integrity, but I personally don't think it has her vision. She has already stated her concerns for its success and I have some, too. My advice to Oprah, more stuff from other countries, how people there live, how they make a living, what their spiritual views are. This would fit nicely with all her 9th House planets.