I don't know whether he will or he won't, but his astrology chart says he can't win. Donald Trump has been riding on a wave of popularity the last two years with his red-hot Jupiter period, but it doesn't last long enough for him to be president.
The Donald is a Gemini with all the qualities that go with that. He's intelligent, quick-thinking and it's hard to out talk him. But like most Gemini's, he's guilty of lying to the public. Just for that reason, that he probably has mis-represented his business transactions according to people smarter than me, will he want to expose himself to public scrutiny?
With Uranus conjunct his Sun, this guy can pull the trigger which is what we're disappointed about with Obama. Donald wouldn't hesitate to make a decision. And the American people are fed up with things not happening. So overall, I would like to see him run.
Another huge advantage for him is his clean-cut image. He doesn't drink, smoke or believe in tattoos. That would definitely work in his favor. He also has star power with his Mars in Leo along with his rising sign. Leo rules the entertainment industry and they always have a little show-off quality. Pluto is there, too lending power to the equation.
Mercury, Venus and Saturn are in the sign of Cancer. You wil always find a Cancer influence is very protective of their family and their country. So what's the problem?
If you ever want to be called out on your lies or exaggerations, wait for progressed Mars (anger) to conjunct Neptune (lies in a negative aspect). Totally not going to work. At the time, Trump says he is going to annouce, his Jupiter happy period is over. But he doesn't know that unless he reads Xtrology. So he might just spend $600 million of his own money to lose. But just like I told Meg Whitman when she thought she could buy the California governor's seat (Jerry Brown spent almost nothing in comparison), this is just not your time even if you run against Obama (and we'll talk about that later. He may not be running at all).
And thank you to everyone hanging in with me while I write my diet book, YOUR BODY IS YOUR BILLBOARD.