Someday, In the Future When Xtrology is Taken Seriously...
Transiting Jupiter, the most beneficial planet in the zodiac changed signs as it does every year. It moved into Gemini. Trump is a Gemini. But that’s not all…
Mercury in your chart tells you how you are perceived, your reputation. It some ways, the most important planet, because what do we have if our status is taken away. Not the case for Trump however. TODAY Trump’s predictive Mercury sextiled his predictive Jupiter. Welcome to the Wild World of Jupiter a 9th House Planet, the law. He also has predictive Venus square Saturn, but, guess what? Jupiter wins against all negative aspects. Yes, the Saturn aspect will cause him some heartache but for normal people, Saturn can’t win against Jupiter.
I say normal because predicting Trump in the past has proved to be frustrating. He is the only person I have seen defy Xtrology rules. He should not have been the candidate in 2016 when there were three candidates with the Jupiter aspect. As far as the match up with Hilary, it could have gone either way.
But still, he’s going to win the November election and this lawsuit. Besides being a shitshow, there is evidence that he is actually not guilty of anything more than a misdemeanor. Federal prosecutors refused to try this case. So the Manhattan DA picked it up. The primary problem is the star witness is a criminal himself, Michael Cohen. And while it is illegal to falsify documents, DA Bragg has to convince a jury that Trump falsified his business records with the intent to commit or conceal a crime.
It could go either way, legally, but looking at Trump’s chart, astrologically he’s just turned a corner. And while Trump is most likely a criminal on many levels and he clearly has a personality disorder meaning mentally ill, it’s his game to lose. The People are speaking out against our government. No one in their right mind could like this guy. But he is perceived as being the only hope to break the trajectory we are on. And The People are not entirely wrong.
We must stop the illegal immigration. Immigrants are not here to pick grapes as I hear so many intelligent people saying. This has all the earmarks of being the beginning of a shadow military force. The people coming here have no loyalty to the United States. They are here for the money and they don’t care where it comes from. That may be a lot to take in, but there are things going on that I would never have believed could happen.
If Trump wins the presidency? All hell may break loose, but we’re so far off course, it will take something drastic to reel us back in. Trump may nor may not stop illegal immigration? The war Ukraine? All the conflicts we have no business being involved in that are leading up to WWIII? But Biden won’t.
Ideally, Robert Kennedy Jr. would be the next president. It’s not impossible. He’s doing very very well in the polls. And his chart is in good condition. But remember, with Trump nothing seems to proceed logically. And Kennedy recently stated that it’s the Jews who are being genocided not the Palestinians. That will confuse a lot of people. Me included. But he’s not insane or senile. So I’m still hoping.
The person with the Jupiter aspects is — no doubt about it — Donald Trump.
And it doesn’t stop there. Even after the election, Trump will be in Jupiter. Obama’s problem was he had Jupiter long enough to win the election, but he went into bad aspects after. Trump could surprise us. He could live up to his highest potential. The legal problems he has suffered may give this narcissist a small degree of humility? Far from tearing our country apart, which he has successfully done up until now, he could, if he wants to, bring this country back together. Okay. I’m Sadge. I’m optimistic.
For your own private reading, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I post the Moon’s aspects. Every. Single. Day. Your comments and questions are welcome.
UPDATE: 5/30/24 Wow! Trump found guilty on all 34 counts!!! I’m not backing down. Jupiter had only a few days to work. Maybe I was a little too optimistic. However, I’m not budging. Trump will win on appeal. This really is a mess of a case. But more importantly, we’re weaponizing the judiciary. And I’m learning, again in the case of Trump, he doesn’t follow the rules.
UPDATE2: It appears that Trump lost due to a bad legal defense. He should have stipulated to the fact he had sex with Stormy Daniels and kept that whole circus out of the trial. And he should have given the jury the possibility of a lesser charge — a misdemeanor. But astrologically, that actually doesn’t matter. He is responsible for his defense team. And it’s still the crazy Trump energy.
UPDATE3: There appears to be many avenues for an appeal:
Stormy Daniels’ testimony really didn’t have anything to do with the charges against Trump making it prejudicial and inflammatory.
Ditto for Karen McDougal and the Access Hollywood tapes
How about the gag order? Freedom of speech?
The Statute of Limitation was two years which is why the DOJ passed on it
To make it a felony, there has to be an underlying crime. What was the underlying crime?
Manhattan is a very Democratic venue not a jury of Trumps peers
Michael Cohen - just his crazy character flaws creates a chance for reversible error
Experts on federal law weren’t allowed to testify
Non-disclosure, hush money, catch and kill, consensual sex are not against the law
The judge’s behavior is very questionable and grounds for a mistrial
WHattabout KAMALA?
Wrong charts your doing. Biden is a team of Obama Hillary and Bill And THE CIA want JOE IN again
Trump has no chance and will get the lowest turnout ever. HIS VP will likely be NICKI HALEY OR TUCKER. BESIDES that comedy YOUR original choice was GAVIN NEWSOM and we hope he gets a big cabinet post. FYI it's TRUMPS GUY J POWELL taking the usa down. THE war in Ukraine protects us here. Ppl forget how PUTIN IS STALIN. Listen to professor Alan Lichtman predictions and MOVIE GUY MOORE