Long Jupiter periods happen when the secondary progressed Jupiter, which moves only one day for every day you are old, changes signs. It only does this is you have a very high degree Jupiter or low degree Jupiter that retrogrades. Most people never get this. There's a pretty good definition of secondary progressions in Wikipedia. Also people can have Jupiter periods from two different planets and one picks up as the other leaves. It's very individual -- just based on the configuration of your natal chart -- the date of your birth. Thank you for your question! Hope all is well with you, Tiffany!
Long Jupiter periods happen when the secondary progressed Jupiter, which moves only one day for every day you are old, changes signs. It only does this is you have a very high degree Jupiter or low degree Jupiter that retrogrades. Most people never get this. There's a pretty good definition of secondary progressions in Wikipedia. Also people can have Jupiter periods from two different planets and one picks up as the other leaves. It's very individual -- just based on the configuration of your natal chart -- the date of your birth. Thank you for your question! Hope all is well with you, Tiffany!
You could blame some of your mistakes on the infamous Sagittarian "foot-in-mouth" disease.
How is it possible for her to be in a Jupiter period for the rest of her life?